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Colourful Life

Charissa Goh
23 April 1997
Red Swastika School
Sweetest 12

Shooting Star

260 above for PSLE
Get 2A* for exams
Beat Alton in Maths and English
Get Top 3 again
Travel to Paris/Rome
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Complete Room makeover
Charm bracelet
More artbox stuff
New Billabong Pencilcase/OP Pencilcase

Little Miss Chatterbox

ShoutMix chat widget


Denise Ho.
Denise Lee.
Ellis bloshop.
Yi Dai.
Xin Yin.


November 2008
December 2008
January 2009
February 2009
March 2009
April 2009
May 2009
June 2009


Designer: Helena
Image: Cyworld
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Monday, November 24, 2008 8:42 PM

Hello. Back to post again. Now, currently am at my cousin's house. Later, bu fan de ai last episode. Must watch de. Anyway, later my cousin wanna create the www.avapeeps.com So sian, nothing to do. Tomorrow going to Bedok to swim. Alright, bye now. See ya real soon.


Saturday, November 22, 2008 7:21 PM

BOO ! Anyway, today was Science and Maths tuition. So damn sian de, cansxz? Science and Maths were Ms Wu. I expected a huge crowd of people. There were only 4 people for Science and only 3 people for Maths. Last time, Ms Wu's Maths class, there were more than 10 people. That's another story. Anyway, today learned P6's 1st topic-Classification. For Maths, learnt the 1st topic for P6- Algebra. Not difficult. It's kinda easy. For me, of course...

Now, currently playing club penguin with my younger bro, cos nothing else to do already. I had already studied for 1 hour +. So now, it's time to relax. Oh. And actually, today going to swimming de. But then, it was raining. BOOHOO. So long never go swimming already. Anyway, going to Tampines Mall with Ming Ming on Monday. So excited, canxz? 1st week of holiday just flew by like that. I plan to go to Grandma's house from Wednesday to Friday. So fun de. Tell you something. That night when I was at her house, around 8, when I sat at the one seat sofa just next to the door, it was freezing cold. I even had to wrap a blanket around me. PLUS, we never turn on the fan. IMAGINE. Haha. So shuang de.

Alright, byebye. Playing clubpenguin. Earning more coins.


Friday, November 21, 2008 12:01 PM

Hey. I'm back from my grandma's house. I stayed there for 2D1N. Haha. Like hotel like that. But, there's nohting to do. Nothing to play. But... there's lots of things to eat ! Yesterday, we went to Bedok Interchange. We ate Fish Porridge, then proceeded to NTUC to buy Root Beer. After that, went to Sheng Siong to buy Ribena. Initially, ah ma went there to buy fishball. But, after that, she didn't want to buy because she don't know which brand to choose. Oh. And tomorrow's that tuition. I'm damn afraid because the maths, it will be Miss Wu, not Miss Pearlyn. I'm kinda afraid. And Jia Yi won't be there too.

Anyway, now, my grandma's gone out to play majong. My younger brother is watching me play the computer beside me. HAHA. I'm so evil. Say want to let him play but never let him play. Maybe later helping him create blog. LOL. Later if I am helping him to create, then I link him, kays?

Here's a note:
Vanessa(Heng), don't be sad. It's over already. Just try your best in Secondary School. I believe in you ! Jia yo !


Wednesday, November 19, 2008 4:31 PM

Hi. The holidays have begun already. And it's damnit fun . I love it. Next Monday, going to Tampines Mall with Ming Ming. Actually, it was supposed to be today. Then changed it to Tuesday. Then changed it to next Monday. Lol. Anyway, now's it raining. Looking at the rain makes me feel... HAPPY? Haha. I'm wierd. I'm happy cos it's cooling during rainy days. I just finished updating my songs. Enjoy it, kays?

Anyway, tomorrow Vanessa's getting back her PSLE results and she's gonna confess to ZY !! Haha. Hope she succeeds in doing so. Oh. And hope she gets good results and get into her dream school, Dunman High. Vanessa, jiayou !

Tuition's starting this coming saturday, 22nd November. AGAIN. GRR. I hate it so much. But luckily, it's only until 1.00p.m.

9-11am - Science
11am-1pm- Maths
I hope Nita will be present. But I think it's kinda difficult.

Anyway, mom and I just finished cleaning up my room. Didn't know I had so many things. Alright. I'm gonna finish my assessment books now.

HOHOHO. Merry Christmas.


Thursday, November 13, 2008 2:49 PM

Hello. I'm back to blog more about my life. Today is the last day of school. So sad. Reason? Because I'm leaving my beloved teachers- Mr Ho and Mdm Lee. Mdm Lee is going to teach at another school and Mr Ho is leaving Singapore to go to Hong Kong International School. I ESPECIALLY MISS MDM LEE !! Please come back !! ): I'm crying. Just kidding. Today, during Mdm Lee's lesson, we took photos together. She took with the whole class, followed by the girls, then the boys and last but not least the prefects !! A pity, I didn't bring my camera !! GRR. I'm so damnit angry with myself.

I want the photos yet nobody wanted to send me ! BOOHOO. Enough of crap.

During Mr Ho's lesson, the last five minutes, he told us the last last story of the year. The last story I will hear from him. But instead, he sang us a song.
He told us to choose:
a) English
b) Chinese
c) Japanese
d) Cantonese

We chose B of course luh. Who would wanna hear him sing English. At first, he sang one song.

Here goes:
He said" Everybody has been asking me where I came from- which primary school I went to and which secondary school I went to". So, I tell them,

So on and so forth. SO damn funny de, canzx?

Alright, next he sang a cantonese Guzheng song- because of Clarice. He sang the Japanese song too, which I don't know what song cos I don't know ?!

Then, he sang 茉莉花. Haha. Imagine Mr Ho, singing that song.

After that, he sang a song which I don't know its name. It goes like this:
I'm leaving on a jet plane. Don't know when I'm gonna come back.

And he kept repeating until dismissal bell rang. Then , we were like WOOOOOOO. When 5/3 walked past, they were like wondering what we were shouting about.

That's all. When Mr Ho dismissed us, I could see the tears in his eyes.

I'll miss you, Mdm Lee and Mr Ho. May you succeed in everything you do. Goodbye.



Monday, November 10, 2008 2:50 PM

Today is Monday and Mrs Teo finally gave us back our report book. First, let's talk about the day. In the morning, went to study corner. Isabel came and I gave her her present. She was reading the card when Eileen Koh came. Then, Eileen Koh kept asking: " What is that? What is that?" LOL. Then Isabel replied, saying:" Birthday card larh" Haha. She was using a very irritated tone.

After that, Denise and char siew pao came. They started talking. After that, Ming Ming came. Me and Isabel talked to her for a while and the three of us went up to the hall together as there is assembly. The three of us kept talking and talking and talking. Haha. Then, Mrs Ching was there, kept saying:" Everybody keep quiet!"

Isabel and Nicole wanted me to write the autograph book for them. I wrote a lil of Isabel's . Miss Shiao wanted to see the P5 prefects as she wanted to give us the consent form on the Prize Presentation Day.

It was Mdm Lee's lesson when we, the prefects went into the class. It was not seated according to register number. Instead, it was seated to the previous sitting arrangement. So, I was sitting with Cynthia again. Then, Mdm Lee asked us to look up on the secondary schools that we wanted. So on and so forth. She said:" Only left three days left. Anything you wanna say to me?" Then, Jackson Tan kept saying BYEBYE BYEBYE. So irritating.

During recess, I went with Ming Ming and Eileen Koh. After recess, it was Mr Ho's period. But there was this talk on the Gum Disease. It's just so damnit disgusting. EWW.

After his period, was Mrs Tang's period. But, she was busy with the P6 Graduation Concert, so Miss Soh came. She let us see the Mr Bean again. I went to Denise's seat and sat next to Ming Ming. She wanted me to do so. (: So, I sat there writing the autograph book. It took me like half an hour to finish writing. OH. And I remember that in Charmaine's and Isabel's autograph book, the wishlist, I put "Ming Ming's pencil case doggy". You may think I'm childish but that's my personality. We watfched Mr Bean(again).

At the note of Isabel's autograph book, I wrote something in pencil which is something to do with Phineas. Haha. Then, Isabel go and erase it. I told her that if she erased it, that means she like Phineas but she didn't care a hoot.

After Mrs Tang's lesson was Mrs Teo's lesson. REPORT BOOK TIME. She asked us to queue up from 1-10, 11-20, 21-30 and 31-40. When Mrs Teo was waiting for the class to settle down, she took a look at Xin Yin's result slip. Then, she started passing it. When I took mine, I was like OH GOSH. Sure can't get Top 5 de.

When I went back to my seat, I saw: CLASS POSITION: 2/40. I was so damnit shocked. I dropped from 6 to 2. WAA. I so happy with myself. I'm not proud but, you know, I always put my results on my blog. So, please , please don't think I'm proud. Alton Choo got 1st, as usual. 8 people were leaving and they were kinda crying like mad? So, I comforted them. Isabel and me went to comfort _ _ _ _ _ _. I really don't wish to reveal their names. So, I'll just... Shut my mouth.

But she just kept on crying. Even the boys cried too. After that, Mrs Teo told us our new teachers.

Form Teacher: Miss Gan
English Teacher: Miss Gan
Science Teacher: Miss Gan
Maths Teacher: ( I forgot the name ) but she is from another school and is very experienced
Chinese Teacher: ( I also forgot the name ) but she is the HOD Chinese so I guess she must be very fierce.

Then, we were wondering who was Miss Gan. And I was curious cos I was wondering how come no teacher was following us up? Then, Mrs Teo said that Miss Gan's full name is Miss Lydia Gan. Then, we knew who it was. It was MRS TEO !! She tricked us. Then we were like laughing our heads off.

She introduced all the Top 10 pupils. Mrs Teo said that I was very good as I had improved a lot. Plus, I had to handle ballet competitions.

After that, Mrs Teo asked all the boys to help her carry the Guzheng. So, the girls were comforting each other. Joyce said something very funny that made _ _ _ _ _ _ laugh or at least smile.

When I reached home, my mom fetched me as it was raining. Usually, she doesn't does that when it is sunny. ( I am sitting school bus ). When I went down the bus, I told her that I got Position 22. She was so afraid and angry that she started scolding me. Then, I gave her my report book and she said: OI. You lie to me. Haha.

When we reached home, she called Bedok grandma and told her the news. After that, I called Dad and told him.

Me: "Papa, I got back my report book."
Dad: " You called me and keep laughing, must be get Top 5."
Me:"Guess what I got?"
Dad: "4?"
Me: " NO !! 2."
Dad:"Wow. So good. "

That's all folks.

Anyway, here's a little note to those who are leaving 6/4:
Don't be sad. We'll always be here for you. It's not like the end of the world. I'll always be supporting you ! JiaYou !


Friday, November 7, 2008 2:32 PM

Hi there. Anyway, today Mrs Teo was supposed to give back the report book but she didn't. Oops. Correction. She did give back the report book but she never gave us back our report slip. She only gave back the NAPFA Test thing and that Personal qualities thing. She said that less than 11 people are going to leave the class. BOOHOO. So sad. I'm really afraid it's me. She said that she don't know who is going to leave the class yet and the school have not decided. So we will only get back our report book on Tuesday. This is so damn sickening. I WANNA GET BACK MY REPORT BOOK !!

Today at school in the early morning, I saw Zhi Yi when I got down my school bus. We talked for a while then saw Denise at the study corner. Immediately, Zhi Yi saw and said byebye to me. I walked towards Denise and talked to her. Then, Isabel came and asked me to help her write the autograph book. But I never wrote. Instead, I walked towards Eileen Koh and looked at the Travel Fair's gifts. Then, I wrote FAVES on the autograph book. Then, Miss Lee asked us to go to the Parade Ground to assemble. At first, I sat infront of Isabel and behind Charmaine Cheong. Then, they went to the canteen to do something. When they came back, Charmaine Cheong took her bag and moved behind Isabel. Then, passed out Christmas Cards. (:

Just now during recess, Ming Ming and me went to help out. We saw Mr Chua looking at the presentation and laughing along. He must really like it a lot. Then, I joked about and asked Ming Ming what will happen if the ping pong ball suddenly flew through his face (again). Then, she laughed. The crowd slowly cleared but Ming Ming and I still stayed there and help. Alot of people were queuing up at the booth to play games. There was this boy who did not stand behind the line and Jia Qi started screaming and shouting at him. Then, I was like laughing. Then, Mrs Leong came. I presented a little bit. HAHA. I was sooooo afraid when I presented. LOL. After that, she asked us what things should we bring and she asked if we were going also. Then, I was thinking of saying:" If you sponsor us larh". LOL. I didn't dare to say.

Then, Sheryl wanted to ask Mrs Leong to play the games but she didn't dare to say. So, I asked:" Mrs Leong, would you like to try our games?" Then she walked towards the dart section. She threw the dart at somewhere at the right hand side. Then, another one she threw at the cupboard. Then she go and change it to the bull's eye. Then she said: Shh HAHA. So funny. Anyway, Mr Chua and Mrs Leong wrote comments for us. So damn honoured, yea? Part of it was because Eileen Koh kept holding the comments slip in front of them. LOL.

I helped for a while then recess ended and Jia Qi asked me to go back to class. I was reluctant at first. Oh well. That's another story. Went back to class. Luckily, Miss Shiao haven't come yet.

After Miss Shiao's lesson was Mrs Tang's lesson. But Miss Soh came in because Mrs Tang was busy. We watched Mr Bean. I sat beside Ming Ming while watching. It was so damn crazy and disgusting. LOL. Then, at 11.30, Mrs Neo came in. I continued sitting beside Ming Ming. Mrs Neo asked who had done the Science Activity thing. Only Nicole and Cynthia had done. Others had not. LOL. Ming Ming lent me her pencil case. It was sooo cute. That doggie. After than, Isabel asked me to ask Mrs Neo if her baby was a girl or a boy. Then I said, we both ask together larh. So we went and Mrs Neo said it was a girl !! HAHA. Girls rule. Mrs Neo would definitely make a great parent ! Oh and I got Bronze for NAPFA test. So damnit bad.


Tuesday, November 4, 2008 3:21 PM

list 10 girls
F1. Vanessa Heng
F2. Ming Ming
F3. Sheryl
F4. Isabel
F5. Charmaine Lim
F6. Charmaine Cheong
F7. Xin Yin
F8. Denise
F9. Clarice
F10. Joyce

List 10 boys
M1. Wenyang
M2. Jun Wei
M3. Jianxiang
M4. Zheng Yi
M5. Zhao Jie
M6. Alton
M7. Joseph
M8. Phineas
M9. Marcus Too
M10. Ryan

1.How close are u to F1?(Vanessa Heng)
`Very close. She’s my #1 best friend.
2. have u ever got mad with F6?(Charmaine Cheong)
`No. I don’t think so.
3. what is your impression of F3?(Sheryl)
`Very good girl and cute too.
4. what is F8 known for?(Denise)
`For having an electronic thing hanging out of her pocket
5. do u think F10 is pretty?(Joyce)
`Quite okay.
6. do u have a crush on M1?(Wenyang)
`NO WAY. If I have a crush on him, someone will be damnit jealous.
7. give 3 words that describe M5.(Zhao Jie)
`Funny, entertaining and helpful
8. honestly, do u think M8 is cute?(Phineas)
`If he’s not, everybody would not be wooing him. LOL.
9. is M4 a good student?(Zheng Yi)
`Seriously, I don’t know . But , I think he’s a good student cos jie likes him.
10. how did u first talk to M7?(Joseph)
`He was noisy so I asked him to keep quiet.
11. do u think F3 and M9 make a good pair?(Sheryl and Marcus Too)
`MY GOD. Sheryl likes someone else.
12. how about F5 and M2?(Charmaine Lim and Jun Wei)
`They don’t know each other
13. what if M8 confesses to you that he likes you(Phineas)
`I would freak out and I will reject him immediately. Moreover, he likes someone else. He will never like me. (:
14. have u ever told F4 a personal secret of yours?(Isabel)
`Yea. I just told her who I liked yesterday while chatting online.
15. do u think there is a possibility u will date F1 / M10?(Ryan)
`Gosh. I don't have any feelings for him. (:
16. What if F1 and M1 suddenly said they were getting married?(Vanessa Heng and Wenyang)
`I think they don’t know each other. If they were getting married, someone would be very very jealous.


2:13 PM

Name 20 people.
1. Vanessa Heng
2. Isabel
3. Charmaine Cheong
4. Phineas
5. Ming Ming
6. Charmaine Lim
7. Ryan
8. Alton
9. Angeline
10. Kimberley
11. Joseph
12. Zheng Yi
13. Jianxiang
14. Zhao Jie
15. Xin Yin
16. Denise
17. Wenyang
18. How Eileen
19. Nathan
20. Jun Wei

1. How did you meet 14?(Zhao Jie)
-He's sitting in font of me
2.What would you do if you never met 1?(Vanessa Heng)
-Then I would not have a best friend and a sibling.
3.What if 9 and 20 date each other?(Angeline and Jun Wei)
- They may get married. After all, I'm always saying that they like each other.
4.Will 6 and 17 date?(Charmaine Lim and Wenyang)
-WOO HOO. Surely de.
5.Describe 3.(Charmaine Cheong)
-She's great ! Sweet and helpful. Just perfect.
6.Is 8 attractive?(Alton Choo)
-He's kinda a nerd. So, no !
7.Describe 7.(Ryan)
-He's a great monitor, always taking care of the class.
8.Do you know any of 12's family member?(Zheng Yi)
-I don't know cos I know him through jie.
9.What if 18 confesses to you he or she likes you?(How Eileen)
-Haha. I'm not a les.
What Language does 15 speaks?(Xin Yin)
11.Who's going out with 9?(Angeline)
-I thought I said Jun Wei?
12.How old is 16?(Denise)
-Sweetest 11
13.When did you last speak to 13?(Jianxiang)
-Quite a period of time ago
14.Who is 2's favourite singer?(Isabel)
-I don't know. Maybe Fahrenheit?
15.Would you ever date with 4?(Phineas)
-OMIGOSH. This is so sick. NO WAY !! He has someone else.
16.Will you ever date with 1?(Vanessa Heng)
-Aw. NO ! But she's nice.
17.Is 19 single?(Nathan)
-Of course. Too young to get married.
18.What's 10's last name?(Kimberley)
-Koh Xue Min
19.School of 3?(Charmaine Cheong)
20.Where does 6 live?(Charmaine Lim)
-Somewhere in Tampines.
21. What is your favourite thing of 5?(Ming Ming)
-She's sweet and kind.
22.Have you ever loved 4?(Phineas)
Now choose 5 people to do this test:
1. Isabel
2. Denise
3. Ming Ming
4. Phineas
5. Charmaine Lim


Monday, November 3, 2008 5:43 PM

Hi there ! Nice to meet you once again. Welcome to my brand brand new blog. Anyway, I wannto give credits to Isabel as she helped me pick this blogskin ! She's done a lot ! Thanks Isabel x100 . Anyway, reporting bout my damn damn bad results

Maths: 91/100

Oral: 29/30
Listening Comprehension: 17/20
Sit Writing: 14/15
Cont Writing: 30/40
Paper 2: 73/95

Overall: 81.5/100

Paper 2: 80/90

Overall: 88/100

Science: 67/100

Higher Chinese
Overall: 64/100

So damn bad bad right? Its difficult, that's why, esp Higher Chinese and Science.

Now, I'm anxiously waiting for my report book to return. My dad hopes that I can get TOP 5, which I think may be possible. Do you think it's possible? Alrights. Bye.

