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Colourful Life

Charissa Goh
23 April 1997
Red Swastika School
Sweetest 12

Shooting Star

260 above for PSLE
Get 2A* for exams
Beat Alton in Maths and English
Get Top 3 again
Travel to Paris/Rome
More friends/gans
Complete Room makeover
Charm bracelet
More artbox stuff
New Billabong Pencilcase/OP Pencilcase

Little Miss Chatterbox

ShoutMix chat widget


Denise Ho.
Denise Lee.
Ellis bloshop.
Yi Dai.
Xin Yin.


November 2008
December 2008
January 2009
February 2009
March 2009
April 2009
May 2009
June 2009


Designer: Helena
Image: Cyworld
Basecodes: Milkypoop
Cursors: Puremilky

Saturday, January 31, 2009 7:40 PM

Hello. I'm currently playing ... Ummm. Pet Society with my bro. I have no more coins le..

Alright. Enough of crapping. Just now went to my dad's friend's house fo CNY visit. WAA.. So many hongbaos le. Like.. 11 like that alr. Alot of money inside. Woots.

Okay, gotta go and train my pet le..

Zzz. Bye.

Ps Valerie. Can tell me who you like?

Wednesday, January 28, 2009 9:24 AM

Hello. Currently posting at school... Cos Zachary vomitted ? And it was like so smelly. So, Mrs Poon took us to the computer lab. Now, Valerie Phee is looking at me post !! HAHA ! Now, it's currently 9.25a.m. ?? Recess is coming soon. Oh. And Happy Chinese New Year to everybody . Get lots of angbaos ! I already got lots le. It's like .. Alot of money. But cannot tell.

Now, Zhao Jie is looking. So busybody. He playing Body Fun. Now, he gonna play Pet Society. LOL.

Alright. Later going to temple with mom and dad to pray ?? Okay, I don't know how to translate. Okok. "bai tai sui" ?? Lol. It's so cold. BRRRR... Cos, I'm sitting right infront of the air con. Haha. TAGGG ! Isabel, please tag more ! Haha . Bye.

Friday, January 16, 2009 2:52 PM

Hello earthlings. Back again. You must be wondering why I keep posting right ? Yea. If not it'll be dead and I'll get complaints. Haha.

Alright. Today had art.

We did some stupid fans ?? Okay. Before that.

In the morning, went to look for Mrs Teo in the staff room but she was not in thr. So, I went out. Immediately, I saw her carrying some heavy worksheets. Then, we went in search for a classroom. Walk until 老半天 then found an empty classroom. Okay, then she ask me to put down my bag.

Oral started. She said that I was very good. Lols. Then, Charmaine Cheong never come so Mrs Teo was so damn angry. Nvm. Gotta stop here. I need to create blogshop.

I'm creating blogshop with Charmaine Lim, Ming Ming and Eileen K. Byes !!

Thursday, January 15, 2009 3:02 PM

Hello guys. I've just found out that my blog has been dead for quite a long time. Okay. A long list of things I wanna tell you.


Firstly, I sat with Ernest. Umm. I think about one week le ba. Thn, one week later, Mrs Teo changed my place. But, I think I get along quite well with Ernest. He even helped me with my work ! Thanks a lot , Ernest( even though h gave me quite a lot of problems too ). Actually, Ernest's not bad, just that because.. Maybe, you all didn't get along well with him. So, I'm now currently sitting with ShiShi. She's a nice person! I get along well with her too. XD


Yesterday, while going to tuition for makeup class, saw Mdm Lee. I was so damn surprised. We all miss her.

We miss you , Mdm Lee.

Although she's quite fierce, shes the best teacher I've ever known. I saw her and she was.. Quite sad?

Looking at her makes me so sad too. But, I nvr talk to her, cos she was busy. When we past by RSS, she kept looking at it. This shows that she still misses RSS. So does RSS miss her, RIGHT?!

Hahas. Today got homework, yea? Umm.. If I'm not wrong , there's only Kim's profile book to write and the maths WB. Today's maths lesson was soooo boring.

Oh yea. Yesterday, Darren had injection. (: He said he never cry and I believe him.

Lols. So unlikely. Yesterday Darren made me a bookmark.

To: Jiejie
From: Darren
For: Helping me

I was so touched, you know. Love ya darren.

Btw, today when we were going for prefect duty, Mrs Teo kept us. Alright. Gotta go now.

Here's to Isabel: Please don't talk rot that I like him , okay?

Monday, January 5, 2009 3:41 PM

Currently speaking to Phineas on MSN. Correction, chatting. Okay, correction again, ARGUING. We're having a very heated argument over some guy which I don't want to mention the name. LOL. Alright. Enough of him.

I'm gonna lock my blog. Don't know why but feel like locking it. (: Haiz.

Today Mrs Teo changed our seats. I sat at the last row!! With lynn. Luckily Isabel is just beside me and Valerie is just a seat away. Phew. Not so worried. But I'm afraid I can't see. Gotta just try. See if can see- anot.

Don't know what to say already. Btw, today a lot of people want to vote for the Birthday Monitor thing, inc. me. But in the end, Vanessa and Ming Ming took the place.

Alright. Gotta study le. Bye.

Saturday, January 3, 2009 9:05 PM


I'm here to tell you everything about my life. Okay, maybe not everything. LOLS.

31st December 2008(Wednesday)
At night, about 10.30p.m., grandma and I watched the countdown party. At 11.30, I was dozing off, so I slept in grandma's room(I mean at grandma's house). Okay. Then at 12.00a.m., grandma couldn't sleep, so she came out and watch again, without even telling me !! Grr. I'm so angry.

1st January 2009(Thursday)
Went to eat Bar Chor Mee at Blk 500 plus. With grandma. And mum, dad and younger bro. Then, ring... Grandma's phone rang. It was Bernice. She called and ask Grandma to go to her house and take care of her. Then, grandma had no time to shop for Chinese New Year costumes. I lent grandma $$$... Lols.

2nd January 2009
School reopened. In the morning, the school bus came at around 6.45a.m. It was like so lateeeeeee. On the way going to school, somebody vommited. Eew. Somemore, there was a traffic jam !!!

Reached school at about 6.50a.m. ?? Saw Valerie and friends. Went up to the hall together. Unfortunately,saw Ming Ming and Vanessa talking happily together. Not very happy, yea?

After that, Mr Chua gave briefing until don't know what time. Then, at 11, got Prefects briefing again. Ming Ming broke her promise. She promised me that she would sit with me. In the end, sat with Isabel. Haha. Was happier. We joked and joked.

Form teacher: Mrs Parry Teo
English + Science + HE + MU : Mrs Parry Teo
Maths: Miss Nathalie Ong
Chinese: Mrs Poon Wai Kuan

Still got a lot. Can't remember. Or.. I'm too lazy to write (: Alright. Playing clear vision with my bro. Bye !!