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Colourful Life

Charissa Goh
23 April 1997
Red Swastika School
Sweetest 12

Shooting Star

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Get 2A* for exams
Beat Alton in Maths and English
Get Top 3 again
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Denise Ho.
Denise Lee.
Ellis bloshop.
Yi Dai.
Xin Yin.


November 2008
December 2008
January 2009
February 2009
March 2009
April 2009
May 2009
June 2009


Designer: Helena
Image: Cyworld
Basecodes: Milkypoop
Cursors: Puremilky

Thursday, February 26, 2009 3:01 PM

Heyhey people. I'm feeling damn good today because... IT'S RAINING! CAN YOU BELIEVE IT ?! It's actually raining, at last ! Omigosh. I'm so happy. The smell. The nature. Lols.

Alrights. CA1 is coming soon. I may not be able to blog for the next 2 weeks. But, the March holidays are coming ! Woots ! Woots ! Lols. Alrights. Byebye. I gotta go and study le.

Will miss all of you !

Friday, February 20, 2009 2:34 PM

Heyhey people. How are all of you feeling on this sunny afternoon ? Bad ? I totally hate it. It's so warm nowadays. I think the weather crazy le. How'd I wish it would rain.

Anyway, today school was as per normal. During art, the whole class went haywire. The class was SOOOOO noisy that 陈红老师 also cannot control. I almost went deaf. Seriously. Went recess with Ellis. Ate garlic bread and drank Heaven & Earth green tea. Yum yum.


That's it. Now, talking to Jianxiang on MSN.


Btw, must support my blogshop. www.friendsforever-shoppingmall.blogspot.com


Monday, February 16, 2009 9:32 AM

Hello. Now, I am in school. We are currently attending a Moral Education lesson. Xu lao Shi never come , so, ding lao shi came. Lols. We are supposed to search for chartitable foundation. After we finished, me and Ming Ming went to ask teacher if we could go to other websites. And, she agreed. Hahas. Everybody, please scroll down to the end and do my friend test. Thanks !!(: Now, it's currently 9.34a.m. Just about 20 minutes more to recess time. HURRAY! By the way, Ming Ming agreed to sell me the popcorn pens at a discount. Woots. But, must see if my mom agrees a not. Hopefully, she allows me to buy it.

Later during recess, me and Ming Ming are going to find teacher. Cos, we aren't going to ballet tomorrow. Instead, we are going to Mrs Teo's supplementary class ! How cool is that? Hopefully, later teacher allows us not to go for ballet. Hopefully...

Hahas. Byeeee..

Sunday, February 15, 2009 4:32 PM

Hello. I'm back. Today, went to Parkway Parade. I bought 2 keychains and a bookmark while Darren only bought a keychain. But, we still had lots lots of fun.

Isabel ordered something from my blogshop. So happyyyy.. Haha. My first customer. Thanks Isabel.

Alright. Gotta go study le. Byeeees.

Friday, February 13, 2009 2:56 PM

Hello. Tomorrow is Valentine's Day. But, we have tons and tons of homework to complete.

Speaking of Valentine's Day, today during Maths, Miss Ong said that she would be spending Valentine's Day and she also said that she would not go to Tampines Mall cos she knows that alot of students would be there. That's the problem with being a teacher. Lols. Gotta run. Bye.

Happy Valentine's Day !!

Tag, tag, tag! Especially Isabel.

By the way, I created a new blogshop on my own.


Do support !

Wednesday, February 11, 2009 7:11 PM

Hello boys and girls. I'm back to post, post and post. Alright. Today, started off well and nice. Morning woke up, brushed teeth, ate breakfast. Then, at 6.30, me and dad went downstairs to wait for my school bus. It came at 6.35. Lols. Went up the bus, by the way. Never see Felicia. Maybe she's sick again. Do you know Felicia? She's my ex-friend from JunYuan Primary School.

Okay, went recess with Ming Ming, Charmaine Lim and Eileen Koh. After finish eating, looked for Vanessa. Then, during Music, Mrs Teo brought us to the Music Room. She told us the recorder notes for the MusArt Day recorder piece. Then, alot of people played the piano. But, I think Jianxiang's piece was the best. Lol. I'm crapping a lot.

During English, Mrs Teo read my composition. (Please don't think I'm trying to show off) Then, I recognised it. It was my composition. When she read until the Isabel part, everyone looked at Isabel and I was like... Laughing. Then, Shi Shi asked me if it was mine then I said I think so. Then, Isabel asked me. So damn funny. People started to look at me. Alot of people asked me if it was mine. I nodded my head slightly. Lols. I got damn high marks for Compo. So happy..

Just now during sup class was the fun part. At first, went lunch with Chermaine, Natasha, Denise Lee and Sian Jhi. Cos Ming Ming and Vanessa playing catching then it's like.. I'm so lonely. I drank Green Tea, only. Cos I was not so hungry. Before that, went to the hall to find didi. He was soooo engrossed in his reading that he did not even notice that I was standing there, calling his name. Alright. Then, after having lunch, actually wanted to go to the library. But, Chermaine and Natasha went to don't know where. Saw Ming Ming. We went to the Maths Room together. Me and Ming Ming sat at one table.

When we went into the Maths Room, only Shishi, Kaiwen, Hwee Choo and Chengyu were there. Okay, me and MingMing went to look for my bro. At first, never see him in class. Then, me and Mingming went up to 2/2 to find her sis. But, couldn't find her. While walking down the stairs, I saw 1/2 !! SO happy. Me and Mingming immediately rushed down. When we reached 1/2, the teacher was talking to another teacher. I saw Darren and waved to him. He waved back. Then, me and Mingming went to the Maths Room, to do homework. But, in the end, we never did any homework. Okay, the class was damn damn noisy. Shishi's table kept "breaking down". Hahas.

Okay, class was fun. After that, went to see didi again.

Alright, I need to type out compo le. Byeeeeeeee..


Sunday, February 8, 2009 7:13 PM

Hello. Today was a so-so day.

Morning, was waken up by Darren's hippo's cries. Lol. Actually, he just wined like a puppy, to make me wake up. So idiot. Lols. Then, after I finished brushing my teeth, I went to the toilet with Darren and we splashed water on our animals. So lame, right? Derh..

Then, went to ... Umm.. Where?? Forgot le. OH! We went to Giant Hypermart. I ate Kway Chap, unwillingly. Drank Barley. It's like so hot. So, after 15 minutes, then finish drinking. After that, went inside Giant. Bought Pink Dolphin, Green Tea, Darren's milk(Smoo), and lots and lots of things. After that, went home. Was angry with mom. Never mind. Then, went straight into my room and slammed the door. Shut. Darren was like.. Wondering what was wrong with me as he did not know my quarrel with mom. I was like.. Wailing? Hahas.

At around 12.30p.m., Dad asked me to change as we were going to his friend's house.

When we reached, we ate Prawn Noodles. Then, the grandmother made Lontong for my dad and gave me and Darren a Merci chocolate each. I asked mom if I could eat and she said go home then eat. By the time we went home, it would have melted already right? Wtf. Never mind.

After sitting for a while, the owner's daughter came to my, holding a pooh and tigger plush toy. She wanted me to play with her. Her birthday is on 22 April while mine is on 23 April. One day apart. Alright. Then, me, Darren and mom went into her room to play with her. She's like.. 3 years old?? Okay, we played childish stuff like Barbie Dolls. Lols. Then, my brother played cars.

At around 2.30, went home. Only collected 2 hongbaos. So suay. After that, we went to Big Bookshop . I wanted to buy an eraser and a pen. So, me and dad went down. We proceeded to Big Bookshop. I told him to help me buy the stationeries first then when I go home, I would pay him back the money. So, he agreed. Then, he asked:"It's for school use or what?" Then, I said yes. After that, he said :"If school one, then I pay for you." Waa. So good.

Thank you, Dad.

COs, usually, we use our own money to buy our things. So, all the damn nice to use pen in my pencil case is actually paid by my own money. Lol. Alright. Bought a purple eraser and the pen I lent from Mingming on Friday. Dad bought a plastic ruler. Then, paid and proceeded to Prime Supermart to buy the toilet paper. When I went back to the car, Darren's merci chocolate melted. On his hand. Mine is on the verge of melting already. We quicklky drove home . I put my chocolate in the freezer. At around 4, I ate it. It tastes so disgusting. Because of the flavour. So, I exchanged the chocolate with Dad's kit kat. Kit kat tastes nicer after all. Lols.

Alright. Now, I'm at my grandma's house.
By the way, we're taking photo for the new E-z Link card. Yay, Bedok's Grandma's coming to our house tomorrow.

Aww, Tuesday's coming soon again. I hate Tuesdays as I hate my CCA. Alright. Bye.

Sunday, February 1, 2009 7:47 PM

Hello. I'm sick..

Actually, today woke up at 7.30am. Then, headed for my room to study. The whole family was still asleep then. Alright. So, I was feeling a bit of a headache and I slept.. Till 9.05am. Actually, I already felt that I was having a fever. So, I grabbed my thermometer out from my school bag. But, it was spoilt. WTF.

Then, I wanted to see Chung Cheng High School. So, my dad brought me there and showed me all the bus stops, in case I enter that school. But, the distance from the school to the bus stop is approximately 400m. Then, I was like gasping. But, I was too tired to talk. So, I kept quiet.

Before that, we went to the Joo Chiat Temple to pray. Dad bought a "kong zi" for me and Darren. He also took an amulet for us.

Okay, then, went to Tampines Mall to buy a brand new thermometer. After that, went to Bedok Grandma's house to "lao yusheng". Because today is 初七, so, they think it is a good day to "lao yusheng". I asked my mom why and she said that today is the day when Niu Lang And Zhi Nu meet. WAA.. So romantic right? Okay, never mind.

Then, went home at around 3 ? Before that, bought 2 M & G Gel Pens. Went home and tested my temperature. When I tested, it was 38.0 degree celsius. Then, mummy said :"神经病". So, I took the ear thermometer to measure my temp. WAA.. Even worse. 38.5 degree celsius. WTH. Then mom said :"You have fever ?!"

OMG. GOt scolding. ALright. Then, slept like a pig. Now, I'm posting at Aljunied Grandma's House. Alright. Byebye. I gotta go . Darren wants to play games.

Note: I may not be going to school on Monday

Which is.. good ?? Lols. Byebye.
